(A division of the Grewar Foundation Pty Ltd)
Hi Everyone,
It stands for Pitbull Special Victims Unit SA. 
It was started to work with and fight for people and their Pitbulls in South Africa. Because of the “Ban”, so many people were petrified of what if…. I myself come from a web design marketing IT company and decided to start this venture together with friends and people in the same field. We built up a team of lawyers who work mostly pro-bono for us, but there are costs to cover for certain things. Ie operational costs, cell phone air time which amounts to a lot daily as we are dealing with SAPS, SPCA, Lawyers, and many others who do not use whatsapp. Then the lawyers also have requirements regularly for various legal things, such as appointing a lawyer (ie a Correspondence Lawyer) to help in a specific area due to us not having someone in that area yet and they have boundary restrictions. But this is improving regularly as other lawyers are joining our fight to protect people. Most of our funding has been from internal from our own business or personal funds to use in the fight. So what we are asking for is any donation to help us do this fight as we do not charge any of the people that requires us and our services. Our success rate of cases so far has been around 90%. So anything whether small or big, or monthly or once off, anything would be greatly appreciated. Below is our details for anyone who wishes to help. And thank you to everyone who stands by us. We are happy that we can make a difference. This is mostly due to our faith that God is standing with us, and that he is helping us to win this fight to protect the innocent souls and people who are in dire need for help. 
Thank You so much.

We are working together with TitonArc who will be doing the Educational Platform with us. Shane Cooper has been in the industry working with all types of Pitbulls for more than 30 Years. He already has multiple structures in place all over South Africa ready to start this education platform. Many others are only working on the absolute basics with not much facilities available. But with TitonArc, you will find that their training structure is designed for the man on the street. We are there to ensure that the situation in South Africa, is improved. And doing this, is to get the right information out on the Educational Platforms.

Sponsor / Donations

We wish to thank you for taking the time and efforts to help us to help you. If you wish to do any sponsor or donations, you can either use our bank details or our Yoco payment gateway.

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