Why Education?

Education is an important factor for anything in the world.
Simply because education shows people how and why what goes on, in the correct format.
The biggest issue however is depends on who is doing education.
Education can be done by anyone.
But to be truly educated by someone, they need to know the requirements and functions required by everything involved.
To make posts using information based on international platforms or on hearsay, does not make them an educator.
Nor does information used for people locally, when the information used is from other countries.
Remember each country is unique.
In South Africa, we have a full diverse culture of people and the same applies to the animals.
No one person or no one animal is the same, hence you cannot apply information accordingly, on the assumption it will work.
Also the same applies to being trained overseas.
All training from overseas, does not fully apply to us in South Africa.
As again, each situation is unique.
Here in South Africa, we have a diverse understanding when it comes to animals.
Person A, believes in this, where Person B, believes in that.
Maybe in other countries a single idea resolution will work, but not here in South Africa.
So before embarking on trying to educate people, learn about the people.
Also learn about the type of animal you wish to educate on, as to have them noted as pink fluffy’s with tutu’s does not make the animal.
Each animal has a unique trait and to say all are the same will end up in disaster.
So take time to know your educator first to understand who and what they are.

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